Looking to buy a quality saddle at a good price ? See here :

Are you in search for a riding saddle that meets your aspiration? We offer different colours, materials: leather, synthetic, etc. We have make a selection of major brands and offer them at the best prices. A saddle company can have several different lines within their brand with very different quality. There can also be significant differences in a brand's quality through the years. In general, the price will tell you a lot. Whoever is selling the used saddle should be able to tell you how much the saddle has been used. Leather saddles can stand up to years of use if taken care of properly. A good indication of how much it has been used is how clean the fleece is. If the fleece is dirty, pass on the saddle. Clean fleece is a good indicator of a saddle that has been taken care of well or only lightly used.

Leather or Synthetic Saddle?

Horse owners are almost spoiled for choice these days. When synthetic saddles were first introduced, they were covered in a nylon fabric and often came in bright colors which meant that they weren't acceptable for showing. Now they are made of synthetic leather and suede materials and look like traditional saddles. Other advantages to synthetic saddles are that they are very lightweight and also easy to clean. They are available in a wide choice of styles, both English and western. You can still get synthetic saddles in snazzy colors if you wish.

Which Style of Saddle Should You Buy?

The first thing to decide is which style of saddle you need. Often the sport in which you participate will dictate your choice of saddle. Dressage, show jumping, western pleasure and saddles eat classes all require very distinctive styles of saddle. Here, you'll find information about the different styles of both English and western saddles and the activities for which they are best suited. However, the choice may not always be so simple. For example, riders who enjoy riding their horses around the trails may do so in either a general purpose English saddle or a western trail saddle. In cases like this, you have to consider what else you like to do. If you mainly trail ride, but like to feel the exhilaration of jumping over fallen logs you meet on the way, you might decide to choose a general purpose English saddle. See here for more option.

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